Chamber Music Festival
Chamber Music Festival
Artistic Direction
3D Animation
Graphic Design
More than 30 world-class musicians in a timespan of 6 years have established Minoa Chamber Music Festival. The 6th Chamber Music Festival bids farewell to the bustling Summer and welcomes September with a rich palette of musical works. Nocturnal geometric lights guide us through a never seen before experience of Crete’s waterscapes. A fading pulse of music, resonating through time and space.
Three musical works from Jon Leifs, George Tsontakis and Philippos Tsalahouris carry into the 20th and 21st century El Greco’s intense spiritual force. Similar to the painter’s life, the 2019 Chamber Music Festival Chania embarked on a musical journey through Greece, Italy and Spain, exposing musically the same unique “colours” of each country, that shaped the painter’s visionary art.

Constantly inspired by the Cretan landscape, its immense morphological variety and its abundance of textures, The Plastic Studio and X-ENOS created a series of Light Installations as art pieces in natural environments that form the basis of the visual communication for the project
Beaches crowded during the summer by visitors from all around the world are reimagined as places of stillness, of contemplation. Experiencing these landscapes under another prism, that of a nocturnal being that examines the lifeforms that develop on the island of Crete, we created an analogy between light strings that expand and “live” on the rocks and sand, or swim in the water, and the actual strings of the chamber music instruments.